
Just another Day

Last night I was a little worried that I may not manage my first "official" holiday without my daddy, but here I am...it's almost midnight and I managed. Thanksgiving was never a big deal for us...just another day. A lot of times dad would stay on the road and keep working so he could have an extra week at Christmas, but still it being that first holiday I wasn't sure how I would cope.

I got up this morning and said to myself..."it's just another day." Got dressed, made coffee...maybe ate some breakfast and I headed out to the park where I walked/jogged 3.1 miles (hmmm...a 5K). At the end of my walk I found a spot where I could see the creek that was really a'flowing from the recent rain and I just thought. I looked and listened to the peacefulness of no hustle and bustle of the day and enjoyed my time to myself with nature. To be honest I thought to myself, "if this wasn't just a creek in this itty bitty town my daddy would have loved it." I stayed there for almost an hour just thinking and processing.

Once I left there I swung by the grosto (grocery store...a new friend introduced me to his word and I am lovin it!) There was just something about it that called my name...maybe it was because there was hardly any cars in the parking lot. I mean, for me...it was just another day. I wondered around and picked up a few things and then out of nowhere I decided I was gonna make a cheesecake. Geez, my daddy loved cheesecake. I'm not sure how he felt about Eggnog, but I ended up making a Eggnog Cheesecake that ended up being quite a hit and obviously I ended up going to a family function...by far not my own family...but I did attend a Thanksgiving dinner and that made my "just another day" a holiday and I am okay.
Eggnog Cheesecake...no springform, and it is cracky...but proof I actually made it!

On the other hand, my mother made plans with some of her family and didn't have as good of a day as I did, but like I told her baby steps...that's all I have to give right now and I can't handle being around people that are determined to micromanage our grief. I can't handle anymore negative in my bubble...it is already full of what I bring into it myself and I am working on purging that!

So...I hope everyone had a Happy "just another day" or Thanksgiving...whichever one suits you best.

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