
Where in the world have I been?

Yep, I get it for blogging to be "therapeutic" you must get to it and do it! Stick with it. Once upon a time on that site called "myspace"...remember way back? Okay I am kidding it wasn't that way back, but once upon a time there I blogged pretty regularly...until all the drama and what not started happening there. Oh well.

So...in the last year a million and one things have happened that has literally turned my life upside down and I had made a couple attempts to get back at "blogging it out", but then the bottom completely fell out of the sky and I hardly had time to shower for a few months...must less turn my computer on. A couple weeks ago I was taking a baby step at trying to get everything back into order I mentioned to someone that I was there to try and get my "hot mess of a life" straighten out. We laughed at my comment and then the lady was like...that would be a perfect blog that you would then turn into a book that would subsequently become a movie and I would not forget the little people that helped me try to turn my life around.

Well, here goes...a goal...I am gonna try to take time out every day and "blog it out", but if it doesn't happen everyday...it will be okay too. But there are things that I feel like I need to put out there and maybe save some money on therapy...;) Eventually, I will explain more of what has been going on, but for now I'll leave it at...no there was not a psychotic break...YET (with the holiday's right here it feels like one could happen at any moment), I haven't been in prison...YET...hehehe and no marriages or babies. I just proofread which is something I don't like to do...but kinda glad I did because something about all of that made it sound like I had been on drugs or something...so no there was no drugs either...damn, so boring, huh?

Okay, get to this and lets see what tomorrow brings. I honestly don't have any Turkey Day plans...and for once I don't care!

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